Phupu 2009 ke kgwedi ya botshelela ya ngwaga. E thomile ka Mošupologo e bile e fela ka morago ga matšatši a 30 ka Labobedi.
Current events of Phupu 3, 2009 (2009-06-03 ) ()
Phupu_3&action=edit&editintro=Portal:Current_events/Edit_instructions edit]
[//{{localurl:Portal:Current events/2009_
Phupu_3|action=history}} history]
[//{{localurl:Portal:Current events/2009_
Phupu_3|action=watch}} watch]
Current events of Phupu 8, 2009 (2009-06-08 ) ()
Phupu_8&action=edit&editintro=Portal:Current_events/Edit_instructions edit]
[//{{localurl:Portal:Current events/2009_
Phupu_8|action=history}} history]
[//{{localurl:Portal:Current events/2009_
Phupu_8|action=watch}} watch]