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Bolediša:Cape Town

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Errors in this page[edit source]

The cite web template is generating errors in this article and also in other articles. Please could a specialist help us to debug the problem. A similar problem occurs on https://freespeech.fandom.com/wiki/Alternative_terms_for_free_software .

According to https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Lua_Error_Explanation, "Attempt to call global '?' a nil value" is a common error. There must be a function which does not exist.

Description: You tried to call a function that doesn't exist.

Possible causes:

Your function might be defined in another Lua state. (e.g Calling a function on the client that only exists on the * server.) You're using a metafunction on the wrong kind of object. (e.g. Calling :SteamID() on a Vector) The function you're calling has an error in it which means it is not defined. You've misspelled the name of the function. Ways to fix:

Make sure the function exists Make sure your function is defined in the correct realm Check your function calls for spelling errors

The module Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities&action=edit does have this code from line 550 to 563. One could question whether or not it is being executed: --[[--------------------------< S E T _ S E L E C T E D _ M O D U L E S >--------------------------------------

Sets local cfg table to same (live or sandbox) as that used by the other modules.


local function set_selected_modules (cfg_table_ptr) cfg = cfg_table_ptr;


--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T S >---------------------------------------------------------------- ]]

Phillip (talk) 23:47, 18 Phupu 2022 (SAST)[reply]